AISTATS*2012 Registration
Registration Fee (in EURO)
Type |
Early |
Late |
registration open -- Feb. 17, 2012 |
Feb. 18, 2012 -- conference end |
Regular |
450.00 |
550.00 |
Student |
200.00 |
250.00 |
Note that the early registration deadline is 23:59, February 17, 2012, UTC. The registration fee contains a banquet, coffee breaks, and three lunches. For people staying in the conference hotel (Hotel H10 Taburiente Playa) with half board/pensin, it also includes some drinks to go with dinner.
There is a joint tutorial day on the day before AISTATS (April 20); this day is open to people who have registered for either AISTATS or MLSS. Confirmed tutorial speakers include David W. Hogg (New York University) and Philip H. S. Torr (Oxford Brookes University).
We assume most people will stay in the conference hotel, and recommend they book half board/pension (the cost is only 3 € more than B&B). When booking, please contact the hotel by phone: +34 922 18 12 77, fax: +34 922 18 12 85, or email, and mention "AISTATS2012". The prices are
Double room with half board/pension: 40 € per person per day;
Single room with half board/pension: 60 € per person per day.
Payment Method
You can register online, by fax (together with your credit card information), or by bank transfer. Should you have any questions regarding your registration, please send an email to kzhang@tuebingen.mpg.de.
Online registration: Click here for secure online registration.
Registration by fax: Please fill in the registration form (in pdf or in docx), print it out, and fax it to +49 711 689 1222.
Registration by bank transfer (preferred method for people within Europe): Please transfer the full amount to the following bank account. Remember to include "AISTATS" and your name in the subject line of the bank transfer. Please also send an email to kzhang@tuebingen.mpg.de so that we know your email address. Thanks.
Bank account holder: Max-Planck-Institut for Intellligente Systeme,
Bank account number at Deutsche Bank (Konto-Nr.): 195130039,
BLZ: 700 700 10,
IBAN: DE71 7007 0010 0195 1300 39 (important for European transfers).
Note: after your registration, please be patient when waiting for the confirmation of your payment. It takes some time (up to 30 days) for the payment to be transferred to us.
Invitation Letter
In case you need to apply for the visa to enter Spain for AISTATS 2012, please contact Fernando Perez-Cruz, the local arrangements chair, for an invitation letter to support your visa application. Please put "AISTATS invitation letter" in the subject line of your email.