Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 2023 Organizing Committee
General inquiries should be sent to aistats2023@gmail.com.General Chair
- Francisco Ruiz, DeepMind
Program Chairs
- Jennifer Dy, Northeastern University
- Jan-Willem van de Meent, University of Amsterdam
Workflow Chairs
- Davin Hill, Northeastern University
- Christian Naesseth, University of Amsterdam
Sponsorship Chair
- Stephan Mandt, UC Irvine
Communications Chairs
- Maggie Makar, University of Michigan
- Pavel Izmailov, New York University
Logistics and IT
- Pablo M. Olmos, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
- Brad Brockmeyer, Eventhosts
- Brian Nettleton, Eventhosts
- Lee Campbell, Eventhosts
- Mary Ellen Perry, Level 5 Events
- Max A. Wiesner, Eventhosts
- Terri Auricchio, Eventhosts
Diversity and Inclusion Chair
- Sinead Williamson, UT Austin
Publication Chair
- Tomas Geffner, UMass Amherst
Local Chair
- Miguel-Ángel Fernández-Torres, Universitat de València
Volunteer Chair
- Miguel-Ángel Fernández-Torres, Universitat de València