AISTATS*2010 Author Instructions
Formatting Instructions for Breaking-News Abstract Submission
Abstracts are not double blind, and prior publication and dual submissions are allowed.
Abstracts are a maximum of one page long in two-column format and 10-point type. Please use the Latex style file provided below.
Abstracts can be submitted electronically through CMT, here. Submissions should be in PDF format. Use the "Breaking News Abstract Track".
Formatting Instructions for Peer-Reviewed Paper Submission
Paper submissions are double-blind; please be sure to remove any identifying information from your submission, including author names, affiliations, and any acknowledgments.
Paper submissions that are identical or nearly identical to previously published work, or have been submitted in parallel to other conferences are not appropriate for AIStats. Exceptions include work presented at conferences or workshops without proceedings or abstract-only proceedings, and simultaneous submissions to journals which have not yet been accepted (conditionally or otherwise) at the time of submission.
Papers can be submitted electronically through CMT, here. Submissions should be in PDF format, and follow the style files and described formatting instructions (next section).
Papers are a maximum of 8 pages long in two-column format and 10-point type. Papers should be self-contained, with no additional technical supplements required. The formatting requirements are detailed and illustrated in a pdf file. (Note: the final formatting will include information about the proceedings' publication through JMLR W & CP.)
Updated Style File: For camera-ready papers
Latex style files examples:
LaTeX 2e: [ Style ] [ Example ]
PDF: [ example ]
You will also need the FancyHeader Style package;
the AIStats style file makes use of it.
Please do not modify the layout given by the style file. If you have questions about the style file or its usage, please contact the Publications Chair, Mauricio Alvarez.