[Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Logo] Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 2009


AISTATS*09 Call for Papers

Twelfth International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics

April 16-18, 2009, Clearwater, Florida USA

This is the twelfth conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, an interdisciplinary gathering of researchers at the intersection of computer science, statistics, and related areas. Since its inception in 1985, the primary goal of this conference has been to broaden research in both of these fields by promoting the exchange of ideas between them. We encourage the submission of all papers which are in keeping with this objective.

Presentations will include invited talks, contributed talks, and posters. Papers for poster sessions will be treated equally with papers for oral presentation in publications.

Papers on all aspects of the interface between AI & Statistics are strongly encouraged, including but not limited to:

Submission Requirements:

Electronic submission of papers is required. Papers may be up to 8 double-column pages in length; formatting and submission information can be found on the AI and Statistics Conference Management page.

Submissions will be considered if they are received by 23:59, Wednesday November 5, 2008, Universal Time. Receipt of all submissions will be confirmed via electronic mail.

Acceptance notifications will be emailed by January 9th, and camera-ready final versions (same format) will be due on March 12th, 2009. These papers will published in the refereed conference proceedings.

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