[Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Logo] Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 2009


AISTATS*09 Art Expo

We are proud to announce the first
Exhibition of AISTATS ART

You are invited to visualize your favorite algorithm, by using it to create an attractive image. The input data will be either (1) an image provided by us (imposed theme) OR (2) any image you like (free theme).

You will

The goal is to produce both an artistic effect and, more importantly, an interesting and surprising visualization of an algorithm. Think of what would be catching in the eyes of your fellows AISTATS participants. Do the unexpected! Avertise your own work! Anybody can create a pretty image with Photoshop, but can you produce a neat result with a causal discovery/preference elicitation/manifold learning/reiforcement learning/fraud detection/information retrieval algoritmm? Can you use this picture to highlight something about your algorithm? Be creative, be as original as you can!

Entry is open to anyone somehow connected with AISTATS or with the AISTATS topics of interest. Our intention is to exhibit all the submissions at the AISTATS 2009 conference and to let the participants judge their merits. The curator reserves the right to reject entries they consider irrelevant or inappropriate. Please send your entry in a widely used format that we can display easily (pdf, ps, jpeg,..). By submitting an entry, you are giving the AISTATS chairs the implicit permission to display your submission in connection with AISTATS.

Our intention is to exhibit all the submissions at the AISTATS 2009 conference and to let the participants judge their merits. After the conference, the Exhibition will be hosted on the AISTATS web site. It is NOT necessary to participate in the AISTATS conference in order to submit an entry.


Submission site open: Mid January 2009
Last day to submit entries: March 30, 2009

Contact: Marina Meila, Art Expo Curator (aistatsartexpo09@stat.washington.edu)
Aneesh Hariharan, Dominique Perrault-Joncas, Art Expo Webmasters
This site last compiled Mon, 09 Jan 2023 16:45:43 +0000
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