[Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Logo] Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 2021

Camera Ready Instructions

The submission site is https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/AISTATS2021/

The deadline for uploading the final version of your paper is Thursday, February 25, 2021, 16:00 PST. No extensions to the deadline will be granted in any cases. If you miss the deadline your paper will not be included in the proceedings.

Formatting Instructions

A few important points to keep in mind:

  1. Submissions are limited to 9 pages excluding acknowledgments and references. The number of pages containing citations alone is not limited.
  2. You have to upload 1 main file (mandatory), 1 filled and signed copyright form (mandatory; http://proceedings.mlr.press/pmlr-license-agreement.pdf), and (optionally) 1 supplemental file.
  3. Please change the string "\usepackage{aistats2021}" to "\usepackage[accepted]{aistats2021}" in your LaTeX source file.
  4. Please Uncomment "\special{papersize = 8.5in, 11in}", "\setlength{\pdfpageheight}{11in}", and "\setlength{\pdfpagewidth}{8.5in}" in your LaTeX source file.
  5. Please use the new version of the style file. Do not modify the layout given by the style file. If you have questions about the style file or its usage, please contact the publications chair.
  6. Please avoid using Type 3 fonts, including those in embedded images. See https://www.ics.uci.edu/~chenli/pdf-font-types/index.html for more information.
  7. Citations within the text must include the author's last name and year e.g., (Cheesman, 1985). Be sure that the sentence reads correctly if the citation is deleted: e.g., instead of “As described by (Cheesman, 1985), we first frobulate the widgets,” write “As described by Cheesman (1985), we first frobulate the widgets.” The references listed at the end of the paper can follow any style as long as it is used consistently.
  8. In preparing the camera-ready version, we request that you take into account reviewer and meta-reviewer feedback.
  9. Please consider the following colorblind-friendly guidelines for introducing color in your figures and plots: https://usabilla.com/blog/how-to-design-for-color-blindness/

The most commonly violated formatting instructions are:

  1. Please make sure any supplementary material is submitted as a separate file and not appended to the main paper.
  2. Your paper must be in US letter size (i.e., not A4 or other sizes). If you want to produce a complete PDF first before splitting to main and supplementary PDFs, be sure to use tools that preserve the page size, such as

  3. pdftk complete.pdf cat 1-10 output main.pdf

    pdftk complete.pdf cat 11-end output supplementary.pdf

    Do not use MacOS Preview to split the pdf, because that does not necessarily preserve the page size.

  4. Your paper must contain author names, affiliations, and contact information.
  5. Please ensure that your camera-ready submission contains author information (instead of "Anonymous Author N" as was required for the original submission), and that the submitted list of authors and the ordering among them matches the camera-ready version, and that you use the standard style as provided above. Formatting instructions can be found in sample_paper.pdf

Submission to CMT

You will be asked to provide submission code obtained by an automated style checker and confirm that you agree with having your work published in the proceedings.

  1. Please ensure that the submitted title and abstract match the ones in the camera-ready version, and do not include any LaTeX commands or other non-human-readable markup.
  2. Please verify that your paper follows the style requirements by submitting your pdf file to the style checking script. You will need to provide the paper ID, your name (just one author), your e-mail and the pdf file. If the paper passes the style checks, you will obtain a submission code. (Please ignore the warnings of the style checker.) The CMT form will ask you to provide this submission code.
  3. The final version will appear in the proceedings, published by JMLR W&CP. The CMT will ask you to agree to have your work published by JMLR according to the agreement outlined here. Please save this form, sign it, and upload as a supplementary file named 642-Permission.pdf (with 642 replaced by your paper ID).
  4. You may optionally submit supplementary material, e.g., detailed proofs, code, data, or slides. Please submit these as 642-supp.xxx (with 642 replaced by your paper ID and xxx replaced by the file type). If the supplementary material includes multiple files, please compress these into a single zip, tgz or gz file.
  5. You may continue to edit your camera-ready submissions until the camera-ready deadline.

If you are also a reviewer, AC, or SAC, make sure that your role is set to “Author”. To change your role to “Author,” click next to “Select Your Role” in the top right of the page. In the CMT Author Console there is now a new column labeled "Camera Ready," and in this column, for each accepted paper, a link labeled "Edit." Use this link to submit camera-ready papers. The CMT form will ask you for the list of authors, the title, the abstract, and the following files (where 642 is to be replaced by your paper ID): 642.pdf, 642-supp.xxx (optional).

If a supplementary file is included the file type can be either pdf, zip, tgz, or gz. Your camera-ready submission should be named 642.pdf (with 642 replaced by your paper ID). We only accept pdf files.

Recorded Presentations and Posters

Final deadline for video submissions and uploaded PNGs for all accepted papers (accepted as Poster or Oral presentation) is 21 March 2021 anywhere on earth or 22 March 2021 12:00 UTC. Please let us know in advance (via aistats2021pc@gmail.com) if you foresee any issues, although this is a hard deadline and needed for our video and presentation teams to work efficiently. See the dates page to subscribe to dates in your calendar.

You must upload a landscape PNG of the full poster, as well as a smaller, thumbnail PNG of a single, visually compelling figure from the paper. Click here for an example of thumbnails. More information about uploading poster PNGs is below. Papers accepted as 'Oral' will need to record two videos: a 12 minute video for the oral session and a 3 minute video for the poster session. Papers accepted as 'Poster' will only need to record a 3 minute video. Oral papers should see two different recording links, one for each video length.

Video lengths:

You will find the recoding link(s) for your paper(s) in your profile on the virtual site.

Posters and Thumbnails

You should upload a PNG image of your full poster for use in the interactive poster session in GatherTown. You should also upload a single visually interesting image that can be used as a thumbnail for your paper on the conference virtual site.

Upload your poster here: https://virtual.aistats.org/Conferences/2021/PosterUpload

SlidesLive Video Recording Instructions

General Instructions:

Record your video:

Again, recording link(s) link(s) for your paper(s) are available through your your profile on the virtual site.

This site last compiled Sun, 05 Feb 2023 12:54:46 +0000
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