[Artificial Intelligence and Statistics Logo] Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 1995


If you are an author of a paper that appeared in the Fifth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, then you are invited to create/update abstract information for your paper as it appears in the Workshop proceedings and/or the subsequent Springer Verlag collection. I (Doug Fisher) will try to create a few abstract pages for Workshop papers not currently online each week. However, if you wish to speed the inclusion of your paper, then (1) copy a sample abstract that is currently online, (2) replace the title, author, abstract, related publication material with the corresponding material from your own paper, and mail me the result. Please do not otherwise change the formatting (but of course if you have suggestions along these lines then let me know.)

I also invite authors to update their abstract pages at any time with related publications. To do so, simply copy your page, append related publication references (references ONLY!) to the end, and mail me the result. Try to adhere to the reference format that I have established (approximately APA) as closely as possible.

Finally, feel free to insert URL links into any of your material, by copying, modifying, and returning.

Doug Fisher (dfisher@vuse.vanderbilt.edu)

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