Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 2025 Organizing Committee
General inquiries should be sent to aistats2025conference@gmail.com.General Chair
- Yingzhen Li, Imperial College London, London, UK
- Stephan Mandt, University of California, Irvine, USA
Program Chair
- Shipra Agrawal, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Emtiyaz Khan, RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan
Workflow Chair
- Christopher J. Anders, RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan
- Tingting Ou, Columbia University, New York, USA
D&I Chair
- Khimya Khetarpal, Google DeepMind
- Cheng Soon Ong, Data61, CSIRO
Sponsorship Chair
- Vincent Fortuin, Helmholtz AI, Munich, Germany
Local Chair
- Krikamol Maundet, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security, Saarbrücken, Germany
- Tipaluck Krityakierne, Mahidol University, Salaya, Thailand
Publication Chair
- Javier Burroni, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Journal-to-Conference Chair
- Pierre Alquier, ESSEC Business School
- Kamélia Daudel, ESSEC Business School