The 15th International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
The Proceedings of AISTATS 2012 are now available.
April 21 - 23, 2012
La Palma, Canary Islands
The 15th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics was held in La Palma, Canary Islands from Saturday, 21 April 2012 to Monday, 23 April 2012 at the H10 Taburiente Playa.
This webpage acts as a record of the program and talks given.
Since its inception in 1985, AISTATS has been an interdisciplinary gathering of researchers at the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, and related areas.
This is the second edition of AISTATS to be held in Europe. The first edition, AISTATS 2010, was a great success. A report by Mike Titterington on the meeting can be found in the IMS bulletin here.
If you would like to announce AISTATS 2012 in your department, here is a poster for the conference information (1 page, PDF).
Colocated Events
- An MLSS Summer School will be held before the conference (April 11th-19th).
- A joint tutorial day on April 20th (immediately before the conference) is open to people who have registered for either AISTATS or MLSS.
- A "Classifying Heart Sounds Workshop" will be held immediately after the conference (April 24th). It will be completely free for people to attend, but attendees need to register beforehand.